Sunday, October 23, 2011

Four Flavorful Homemade Pizzas!

Start with a little herbed ball of dough
Saturday I took a day off from sweets and focused on savory tastes. My uncle and his family came over and I was instructed to make dinner--pizza! Grammy and mom have been making pizza from scratch for as long as I can remember, and no matter how many pizzas I eat over the years, these are always the tastiest. It's a bit time consuming to make your own pizza dough, but the time involved in actually working is relatively little. Most of the time the dough is rising, and you're doing something else like reading or blanching tomatoes for sauce-making.

Let it rise and you have a giant herbed bowl of dough!

Mom uses a simple Fleischmann's master pizza dough recipe, which is really basic. You don't even have to wait for the yeast to rise--just throw it all together. While the dough recipe is wonderful, I like to jazz it up with garlic powder, and handfuls of basil, oregano, and parsley. The smell of the yeasty dough with all those herbs was intoxicating as I kneaded it all into submission.
Pizza 1 (right) & Pizza 2 (left)

Once the dough has soaked up enough flour, set the dough-ball into an oiled bowl and leave it in a warm spot to rise. I put it in the oven, light on, towel on top. I checked to see how much the dough had risen an hour later and found that I had put the rack too high because the dough had risen so much it was squishing between the coils--whoops. It didn't do much but deflate a little when I pulled the bowl out.
Pizza 3

I had quadrupled the recipe since we were having a bunch of people over, and we like to have our options, so I divided the dough into quarters, pamed the pizza pan and got started spreading the dough out. Sauce, sprinkled basil and oregano, and tons of mozzarella were next. Pizza 1 was a basic pepperoni to please the masses, while pizza 2 had chopped garlic, onions, peppers, and seasoned tomatoes (from the Mediterranean bar in Wegmas--these are awesome). Pizza 3 was the same as the vegetable pizza 2, but it included mushrooms, while pizza 3 had everything plus black olives. A little something for everyone. The dough turned out to be so thick, and the toppings were so delicious--the flavors from the vegetables, dough, and herbs radiated throughout.
Pizza 4
I had so much fun baking a savory dish. As much as I love to bake all the sweets, a girl needs to mix it up now and again to keep things interesting! It's good to have real leftovers, too instead of pie and cookies. There was a bunch leftover, so I'll have a meal for a couple of days at least! So good!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Friendly Faces In Food

This pie is super happy
This week has been absolutely crazy...Mom and I made a ton of food for an event, but we ended up leaving early because of unfavorable weather conditions--we had a lot of leftovers. We invited some family members over to help us eat the pies and cookies, and then coerced them into taking bags full home. Luckily they obliged.
Who wouldn't love this pie? It makes me smile :)

That was over the weekend. Then, Monday (was that really only yesterday?!) my step-dad Shawn has his hip replaced. He was one of the unfortunate ones who had his hip recalled about a year and a half after it had been replaced the first time. Mind boggling, really--it's not like he's a car where the part can be easily yanked out and replaced. Luckily this surgery was a bit better than last time--he got lower doses of different medicines and is much more alert and feels a ton better. That doesn't really make up for having to have a body part replaced that is buried under skin and muscle--gah. Needless to say, it's been busy around the house.

Ooo! A ghosty! Perfect for the season!
While baking on Friday, Mom and I noticed an interesting trend in our finished products--many of them acquire faces during the baking process. Breads and pies have a tendency to grow I thought I would share them with you!

This one looks a little grouchy...
This one reminds me of Dr. Seuss--a smirky Grinch maybe?
I love seeing what will pop up in the baked goods! Makes it interesting!